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    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

    Aide /été à l'étranger
    Message de laure1111 posté le 13-06-2015 à 15:54:58 (S | E | F)
    je suis actuellement étudiante en classe préparatoire et je souhaite partir cet été à l'étranger avec un ami afin d'améliorer mon anglais ou mon espagnol pour la suite de mes études. J'ai trouvé un site qui me permettrait de faire cela mais il faut rédiger les informations en anglais. J'aimerais donc que quelqu'un puisse me corriger avant d'envoyer mes réponses. Si vous avez des suggestions, n'hésitez pas. Merci d'avance.

    Tell us about yourself :
    Hello, we are both french students. I am currently studying in "classe préparatoire" (undergraduate courses to prepare nationwide competitive exams in economics) and Clément has obtained in June his "DUT" (a two-year university degree in technology). Due to our student status we can only travel during the french Summer Break for the moment, that is to say between June and August.
    We really want to travel and explore new countries but it is very difficult for two students so we think that Workaway could be a good way to realize this dream and a huge opportunity to us to improve our English and/or our Spanish especially since our studies will lead us to travel abroad in the futur.
    I love read different kinds of book, especially English and Spanish books in original version. I also spend a lot of time with children and i like spend time outdoors. Clément does a lot of sports, especially basketball several times per week and jogging during summer.

    We love meeting new people, learning more about other cultures and discovering new activities so you can contact us to any kind of services.
    We would like to go abroad between one and three weeks in preference, anywhere

    What skills do you have ?
    We don't have special skills but we are ready to help you to do different things in the house, the garden or for a project.
    We can spend time with chilfren, helping them to learn more about French or looking for them if you work.
    We have both pets so we can also take care of your animals if you want.
    We are willing to help you in a charity too.
    But we are also ready to discover new things !

    Modifié par lucile83 le 13-06-2015 16:22

    Réponse: Aide /été à l'étranger de gerondif, postée le 13-06-2015 à 16:02:56 (S | E)
    erreurs en bleu, corrections en vert
    Tell us about yourself :
    Hello, we are both french (majuscule) students. I am currently studying in "classe préparatoire" (undergraduate courses to prepare nationwide competitive exams in economics) and Clément has obtained in June his "DUT" (a two-year university degree in technology). Due to our student status we can only travel during the french Summer break for the moment, that is to say between June and August.
    We really want to travel and explore new countries but it is very difficult for two students so we think that Workaway could be a good way to realize this dream and a huge opportunity for us to improve our English and/or our Spanish especially since our studies will lead us to travel abroad in the future.
    I love read(love + ing) different kinds of book, especially English and Spanish books in the original language version (pour les films). I also spend a lot of time with children and i(maj) like spend(like + ing) time outdoors. Clément does a lot of sports, especially basketball several times per a week and jogging during/in summer.

    We love meeting new people, learning more about other cultures and discovering new activities so you can contact us to for any kind of services.
    We would like to go abroad ,between one and three weeks preferably in preference, anywhere (ce anywhere fait esseulé en fin de phrase. Any country will do)

    What skills do you have ?
    We don't have special skills but we are ready to help you to do different things in the house, the garden or for a project.
    We can spend time with chilfren, helping them to learn more about French or looking for them if you work.
    We have both pets so we can also take care of your animals if you like (want).
    We are willing to help you in a charity too.
    But we are also ready to discover new things !

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Thèmes généraux, jeux


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