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    The missing vowels/131

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    The missing vowels/131
    Message de marit64 posté le 08-07-2015 à 23:30:13 (S | E | F)

    Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

    The number of vowels is given in 5 out of 10 answers.

    1- The fibre of certain plants found in Pakistan and India, used for making sacks etc. ..... (tj)
    2- To declare not to be true. ..... (nyd)
    3- A person who sees something, (for instance, a crime) happen. ..... (tsnyws-) 4
    4- A container in which drinks can be carried. ..... (lkfs)
    5- A set of toothed wheels which act together to carry motion. ..... (gr)
    6- A synonym of "chances". ..... (sdd)
    7- A barrier where cars, passports etc are inspected or a point that contestants in a race must pass. ..... (kthnccp) 3
    8- A tool with a long, curved blade for cutting tall grass. ..... (chst) 2
    9- A person who is wicked or of very bad character. ..... (lvnl) 3
    10- The fact of knowing. ..... (dwglkn) 3

    Good luck and have fun!

    Studying English in such a heat wave is not easy. Thanks for your courage and I hope you have an air-conditioner.

    Have a great week!
    So long

    Réponse : The missing vowels/131 de flowermusic, postée le 09-07-2015 à 00:15:09 (S | E)
    Hello Marit
    I like this game so much ...........

    1- The fibre of certain plants found in Pakistan and India, used for making sacks etc. ..... (tj) jute
    2- To declare not to be true. ..... (nyd) deny
    3- A person who sees something, (for instance, a crime) happen. ..... (tsnyws-) 4 eye-witness
    4- A container in which drinks can be carried. ..... (lkfs) flask
    5- A set of toothed wheels which act together to carry motion. ..... (gr) gear
    6- A synonym of "chances". ..... (sdd) odds
    7- A barrier where cars, passports etc are inspected or a point that contestants in a race must pass. ..... (kthnccp) 3 checkpoint
    8- A tool with a long, curved blade for cutting tall grass. ..... (chst) 2 scythe
    9- A person who is wicked or of very bad character. ..... (lvnl) 3 villain
    10- The fact of knowing. ..... (dwglkn) 3 knowledge

    Have a sweet sweet week

    Réponse : The missing vowels/131 de , postée le 09-07-2015 à 00:28:16 (S | E)
    Hello Marit

    1- The fibre of certain plants found in Pakistan and India, used for making sacks etc. Jute (tj)
    2- To declare not to be true. Deny (nyd)
    3- A person who sees something, (for instance, a crime) happen. Witness (tsnyws-) 
    4- A container in which drinks can be carried. Flask (lkfs) 
    5- A set of toothed wheels which act together to carry motion. Gear (gr)
    6- A synonym of "chances". Odds (sdd)
    7- A barrier where cars, passports etc are inspected or a point that contestants in a race must pass. Checkpoint (kthnccp) 
    8- A tool with a long, curved blade for cutting tall grass. Scythe (chst) 
    9- A person who is wicked or of very bad character. Villain (lvnl) 
    10- The fact of knowing. .knowledge (dwglkn) 

    Have a nice day

    Réponse : The missing vowels/131 de , postée le 09-07-2015 à 02:13:50 (S | E)
    Hi my dear Marit
    Here are my words.

    1- The fibre of certain plants found in Pakistan and India, used for making sacks etc. ..... (tj) Jute. - Jute.
    2- To declare not to be true. ..... (nyd) . - Deny . - Nier.
    3- A person who sees something, (for instance, a crime) happen. ..... (tsnyws-) 4 . - Eyewitness. - Témoin oculaire.
    4- A container in which drinks can be carried. ..... (lkfs) . - Flask. - Fiole.
    5- A set of toothed wheels which act together to carry motion. ..... (gr) ; - Gear.- Engrenage.
    6- A synonym of "chances". ..... (sdd) . - Odds. - Chances.
    7- A barrier where cars, passports etc are inspected or a point that contestants in a race must pass. ..... (kthnccp) 3 . - Checkpoint. - Poste de contrôle.
    8- A tool with a long, curved blade for cutting tall grass. ..... (chst) 2 . - Scythe. - faux.
    9- A person who is wicked or of very bad character. ..... (lvnl) 3 . - Villain. - Méchant.
    10- The fact of knowing. ..... (dwglkn) 3. - Knowledge. - Savoir.

    Have a nice evening Marit

    Réponse : The missing vowels/131 de swan85, postée le 09-07-2015 à 22:12:01 (S | E)
    Hello Marit

    1- The fibre of certain plants found in Pakistan and India, used for making sacks etc. Jute (tj)
    2- To declare not to be true. To deny (nyd)
    3- A person who sees something, (for instance, a crime) happen. Eyewitness (tsnyws-) 4
    4- A container in which drinks can be carried. Flask (lkfs)
    5- A set of toothed wheels which act together to carry motion. Gear (gr)
    6- A synonym of "chances". Odds (sdd)
    7- A barrier where cars, passports etc are inspected or a point that contestants in a race must pass. Checkpoint (kthnccp) 3
    8- A tool with a long, curved blade for cutting tall grass. Scythe (chst) 2
    9- A person who is wicked or of very bad character. Villain (lvnl) 3
    10- The fact of knowing. Knowledge (dwglkn) 3

    Thank you again for this new exercise.
    Have a nice weekend

    Réponse : The missing vowels/131 de joe39, postée le 19-07-2015 à 18:35:29 (S | E)
    Hello dear marit64
    Here is my try:

    1- The fibre of certain plants found in Pakistan and India, used for making sacks etc. Jute..... (tj)
    2- To declare not to be true. deny..... (nyd)
    3- A person who sees something, (for instance, a crime) happen. .eyewitness.... (tsnyws-) 4
    4- A container in which drinks can be carried. ..flask... (lkfs)
    5- A set of toothed wheels which act together to carry motion. gear.... (gr)
    6- A synonym of "chances". ..odds... (sdd)
    7- A barrier where cars, passports etc are inspected or a point that contestants in a race must pass. .checkpoint.... (kthnccp) 3
    8- A tool with a long, curved blade for cutting tall grass. .scythe.... (chst) 2
    9- A person who is wicked or of very bad character. villain..... (lvnl) 3
    10- The fact of knowing. knowledge..... (dwglkn) 3

    I thank you very much for the nice exercise and wish you a very pleasant week, despite the enduring "African Bubble".
    Best regards

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

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