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    Cover letter - correction

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    Cover letter - correction
    Message de diane20 posté le 31-08-2015 à 09:32:57 (S | E | F)

    Je voudrais de l'aide pour corriger ma lettre de motivation pour une licence. Je ne suis pas contre aussi pour des conseils au niveau de l'expression et des termes et orthographe d'usage. Merci beaucoup!

    Dear members of the admission committee,

    I have just completed my second year at the University of Pantheon-Sorbonne and, as a future third year in the degree of International and European law, I wish to apply for the University Degree of Applied Language in the International course.

    Driven by the desire to experiment, to discover as combining a quality education and an opening to the world, I think that a degree which combines Languages and Law will come up to my expectations both in my professional projects and in my personal development.

    I currently live in Jeddah in Saudi Arabia, a cosmopolitan city, where I learned to adapt myself to the different cultures. Having always lived in the shanty town, the mixing of civilizations seduced me, and I deduced, after reflection, that this was the premise of my professional and personal projects. So this is not only a rich cultural and relational experience, but it's also a part of my life that allowed me to highlight a taste for everything related to the law, the matters concerning the life of the person and an interest in international relations, especially those pertaining to my heritage North African, European and Levantine.

    Meanwhile, I also participated in a charity works in an orphanage and for the homeless in Jeddah. Help people in the difficulties or dangerous situations was indicative of another aspect of my projects and I was able to clarify some points. I developed a great interest in the defense of the person's rights and in the support of people in distress. This experience sparked a burst of dynamism and determination in each project I undertook, whether for the holidays of Francophonie or the Health day. I have acquired a sense of responsibility and since then I feel concerned by the recent events happening in the Arab world and on the African mainland, especially as regarding the rights of women and her status in the world.

    In addition to all this, the learning of the Spanish language in the eighth grade gave me the opportunity to open my mind to the other cultures, such as cultures and traditions coming from the Far East. So I started to engage myself in intensive language training because it allows me to better understand the contemporary world and the changes that operate on this territory, fascinating me with their difference in their way of thinking and worldview. Therefore, the combination of these different territories and different cultures, which are due to my own interest or due to my origins, allowed me to develop an international perspective that would help me to better apprehend the workings of the world and take part in it. This is to explain my interest to the international law.

    To the other side of the diploma that you propose, the language has used to connect a people, to gather them. Only one language can do the most internationally possible, and this is the English language.

    Also, my motivation have even more accentuated after taking courses of the Legal English during my first and second year of the law degree. It made me realize that the English language could open up more doors for understanding. This opportunity taken during those two years helps me to familiarize myself with the contracts during my internship which it took sometimes international propensities. It was the same for the cases in the field of the litigation of the foreigner’s law which the law firm was also specialized in.

    Indeed, following this practical and interesting aspect for my personal experience, a bilingual curriculum associated with a Master in International and European Law seems a way that will allow me to combine a very rich knowledge in addition to a more international design. In this viewpoint, I will develop the necessary acquirement so as to be able to become a lawyer and get into the United Nations to help those who are in repression or injustice by the strongest.

    I have enclosed a resume highlighting my education and work experience. I remain at your disposal for any clarification you may require. I hope to have the opportunity to interview with you. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.

    Sincerely yours.

    Modifié par diane20 le 31-08-2015 09:34

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