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    Correction/Lettre motivation

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    Correction/Lettre motivation
    Message de mjordan67 posté le 23-12-2015 à 22:29:09 (S | E | F)
    Salut Bonjour tout le monde,
    J'aurais besoin d'aide pour corriger ma lettre de motivation pour mon stage en Afrique du Sud.
    Ca fait un moment que je n'ai pas pratiqué, je suis un peu rouillé.
    Merci d'avance

    Subject: Motivation’s Letter for Physiotherapy internship.
    As a current 3nd year student in the Physiotherapie Schule Ortenau (PSO), I have to do my next internship in the field of Neurology and Pediatrics for the period from 25 July to 14 October and I had the opportunity to apply for an internship in Cape Town.

    I’ve always been interested in getting to know new cultures, people and way of life.
    Therefor, I worked as an au pair boy for 1 year and it ’s also why I decided myself to study Physiotherapy in Germany.

    I am really fascinated by the physiotherapy and I really enjoy helping people. That is why, when I heard that it was possible to do my next internship in Cap Town, I thought it would be a great opportunity for me to practice my future occupation on a continent I always wanted to visit.

    I am enthusiastic, dynamic and very motivated andI really hope it will be possible to take part in this wonderful project.

    If you need further information don’t hesitate to reach me, I would be happy to reply to you.

    Modifié par lucile83 le 28-12-2015 22:37

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