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    Martin Luther King/aide

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas

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    Martin Luther King/aide
    Message de badboy13 posté le 06-01-2016 à 19:58:47 (S | E | F)
    J'aurais besoin d'aide s'il vous plaît .
    Pourriez-vous m'aider à corriger et me dire si ça a du sens ?
    Merci beaucoup de votre aide.

    This piece tells the story of Martin Luther King, which had the dream that one day blacks and whites can have the same rights, they are equal. And it also presents some key moments that illuminate the entire history of the struggle against segregation in America.

    The play begins by presenting us with Rosa Parks, a black woman who was one of the first to fight against racial segregation of the times, by refusing to give her seat to a white passenger and is therefore stopped by the police. Martin Luther King is still a pastor, but it goes a protest campaign against the bus company, he will eventually win. Through this action, the segregation laws on buses will be abolished. This piece also tells Selma marches of demonstrators making front to the local authorities and the Ku Klux Klan to register as voters in Montgomery, and finally the struggle of Martin Luther King for a broader and more generous revolutionary design the company that has faced all of the industrial establishment, economic and military of the United States. This piece is perfectly faithful to reality.

    Personally, I found the very good and funny actors, the dialogues were not particularly difficult to understand and were not annoying. But the story was still difficult to understand because there were 6 players for a lot of characters like Luther King, Rosa Parks, the police, the bus driver, friends of Luther King, activists, ...
    But the staging with the game of black and white masks, enables to pass a gender message: a black may very well played white, and white may very well played black, there is no difference.

    The scenes that have affected me are those of his speech "I have a dream" when Luther King speaks to the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC and other stakeholders who stand to the side of her hand. The other scene that touched me is that of the death of Luther King, where I found that the actors played beautifully which made it even more touching scene.

    Finally I found this very interesting piece and I learned a lot more about the life of Luther King and what he did to her and many others to advance the fight against racial segregation. Through their actions, racial segregation now virtually disappeared, buses are no longer separated into two different parts: one for blacks and one for the back to the whites, and America, there is even a black president today.

    Modifié par lucile83 le 06-01-2016 21:15

    Réponse: Martin Luther King/aide de here4u, postée le 06-01-2016 à 23:58:47 (S | E)
    Hello !

    This piece tells the story of Martin Luther King, which had the dream that one day blacks and whites can have the same rights, they are equal. And it also presents some key moments that illuminate the entire history of the struggle against segregation in America.

    The play begins by presenting us with Rosa Parks, a black woman who was one of the first to fight against XXX racial segregation of the times, by refusing to give her seat to a white passenger and is therefore stopped by the police. Martin Luther King is still a pastor, but it goes a protest campaign against the bus company, he will eventually win. Through this action, the segregation laws on buses will be abolished. This piece also tells XXXX Selma marches of demonstrators making front to the local authorities and the Ku Klux Klan to register as voters in Montgomery, and finally the struggle of Martin Luther King for a broader and more generous revolutionary design the company that has faced all of the industrial establishment, economic and military of the United States.(Sorry ... I can't understand!) This piece is perfectly faithful to reality.

    Personally, I found the very good and funny actors,(construction - ordre des mots!) the dialogues were not particularly difficult to understand and were not annoying. But the story was still difficult to understand because there were 6 players for a lot of characters like Luther King, Rosa Parks, the police, the bus driver, friends of Luther King, activists, ...
    But the staging with the game of black and white masks, enables to pass a gender message: a black XXX may very well XX played XX X white XXX, and white XXX may very well XX played XX black, there is no difference.

    The scenes that have affected me are those of his speech "I have a dream" when Luther King speaks to the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC and other stakeholders who stand to the side of her hand. The other scene that touched me is that of the death of Luther King, where I found that the actors played beautifully which made it XX even more touching scene.

    Finally I found this very interesting pieceordre des mots) and I learned a lot more about the life of Luther King and what he did to her and many others to advance the fight against racial segregation. Through their actions, racial segregation now virtually disappeared, buses are no longer separated into two different parts: one for blacks and one for the back to the whites,(the blacks were allowed at the back...) and XX America, there is even a black president today.

    XXX = missing elements.

    Réponse: Martin Luther King/aide de badboy13, postée le 07-01-2016 à 23:29:58 (S | E)
    Merci pour ton aide ^^ mais je n'ai pas bien compris les smiley que tu as mis et j'ai du mal à corriger mes fautes (je suis pas particulièrement bon en anglais

    Voila mon texte en français si ça peut t'aider à comprendre ce que j'ai voulu dire

    Modifié par lucile83 le 08-01-2016 07:15
    Nous attendons votre correction, pas le texte français. Nous ne ferons pas le travail à votre place.
    J'avais déjà supprimé ce post; merci de lire vos messages internes.

    Réponse: Martin Luther King/aide de here4u, postée le 07-01-2016 à 23:45:33 (S | E)
    hello !
    Le site ne fait pas les devoirs ... mais veut bien aider à la correction ...
    Il faut donc faire un effort et avancer le travail ... les sont parce que j'ai beaucoup souffert par l'énormité de la faute ... (quel est le pronom relatif à utiliser lorsque l'antécédent est une personne? ) ; les disent que le texte n'est pas clair et les derniers sont parce que la ségrégation est bien abolie dans la loi ... mais est loin d'avoir disparu!
    Allez, courage !

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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