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    Correction / CV

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    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

    Correction / CV
    Message de mtfb posté le 11-01-2016 à 15:45:30 (S | E | F)
    j'aurais besoin d'aide pour une correction de mon CV, je serais ravi d'avoir votre avis. Merci d'avance; bonne journée

    Driving licence
    23 years old
    Professional Objective : EVS

    Skill & Formation :
    Languages :

    English fluent (Books reading, Watching Vo Films, oral expression with English peoples, 2 weeks in England)
    Spanish basic
    Electronics :
    Studying and understanding of fact sheets
    Installing and repairing household electricals
    Multimedia :
    Photography and video
    Using monitor, and video projectors
    Informatique :
    Social Network : Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Viadeo. Advanced
    Video Hosting : YouTube, Dailymotion. Advanced
     Word processing software : Microsoft Word, OpenOffice Writer, Google Docs. Advenced
    Spreadsheet software : Microsoft Excel, Open office Calc, Google Sheets. Moderate
    Presentation software : Microsoft PowerPoint, OpenOffice Impress, Google Slides. Advandced
    Graphics Software : Adobe Photoshop, Paint, GIMP. Advanced
     Movie Making : Adobe Première Pro, Sony Vegas. Advanced
     Web software: Blog, Forum, WordPress. Advanced.
    Photo hosting : Instagram, Snapchat. Advanced
    Certificates : - Baccalauréat Professionnel Systèmes électroniques numériques
    - Brevet Professionnel Systèmes électroniques numériques - Brevet des collèges
    Working Experience :
    2015 Vineyard Employee 2014 Vineyard Employee Vineyard Employee Shop assistant 2013 Shop assistant Vineyard Employee Damage clean up services
    2013 Information technology engineering
    12 weeks 2014 Electronics engineering
    12 weeks
    Additional information :
    Communication manager for Burkinenfance (volunteering work for french organization)
    Trip : England
    Interest to the culture and the way of life in differents countries.
    Sports : Pala, Football, Rugby

    Modifié par lucile83 le 11-01-2016 21:28

    Réponse: Correction / CV de here4u, postée le 11-01-2016 à 20:28:42 (S | E)
    hello !

    Driving licence
    23 years old

    Professional Objective(? in the singular?) : EVS

    Skill & Formation : (pas d'espace avant

    Languages :

     English fluent (Books reading, Watching Vo Films, oral expression with English peoples, 2 weeks in England)
     Spanish basic

    Electronics :

     Studying and understanding of fact sheets
     Installing and repairing household electricals

    Multimedia :

     Photography and video
     Using monitor, and video projectors
    Informatique :

     Social Network : Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Viadeo. Advanced
     Video Hosting : YouTube, Dailymotion. Advanced
     Word processing software : Microsoft Word, OpenOffice Writer, Google Docs. Advenced
     Spreadsheet software : Microsoft Excel, Open office Calc, Google Sheets. Moderate
     Presentation software : Microsoft PowerPoint, OpenOffice Impress, Google Slides. Advandced
     Graphics Software : Adobe Photoshop, Paint, GIMP. Advanced
     Movie Making : Adobe Première Pro, Sony Vegas. Advanced
     Web software: Blog, Forum, WordPress. Advanced.
     Photo hosting : Instagram, Snapchat. Advanced

    Certificates : - Baccalauréat Professionnel Systèmes électroniques numériques
    - Brevet Professionnel Systèmes électroniques numériques
    - Brevet des collèges

    Working Experience :

    2015 Vineyard Employee
    2014 Vineyard Employee
    Vineyard Employee
    Shop assistant
    2013 Shop assistant
    Vineyard Employee
    Damage clean up services = odd jobs!


    2013 Information technology engineering r
    12 weeks
    2014 Electronics engineering
    12 weeks

    Additional information :

    Communication manager for Burkinenfance (volunteering work for A french organization)
    Trip : England
    Interest to the culture and the way of life in differents countries.
    Sports : Pala, Football(soccer), Rugby

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Thèmes généraux, jeux


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