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    Lettre Erasmus/Correction

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    Lettre Erasmus/Correction
    Message de arthur1418 posté le 22-02-2016 à 21:08:35 (S | E | F)
    Bonjour à tous,
    Je viens à vous afin de m'assurer que ma lettre de motivation pour passer un 1 an en Erasmus à Vilnius est correcte et pertinente.
    Je vous joins le contenu :

    "Dear Sir or Madam,
    After having discussed with former Descartes students in foreign countries, and making extensive research on DUETI and Erasmus, I decided to fill in an application form. I feel my strengths and abilities are very well suited to the course, and would appreciate a consideration of my candidature.
    I am currently doing an IUT in Techniques de Commercialisation (2nd year) and I know that I would truly benefit from for a year abroad offered by DUETI. I would like to specialise in economy and web marketing, and as Vilnius University propose courses of E-marketing and economics, Lithuania is therefore my first choice.
    First and foremost, I’ve always been fascinated by the three Baltic States: Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. These countries give such a fantastic opportunity to discover a new and different culture, and the international experience helps cultivate a more balanced and educated perspective on the world. Equally, it is undeniable that studying in a foreign country allows you to become far more independent; you have to adjust to a radically different environment, hitting the ground running as you adapt to new systems and customs. A further benefit is the geographical location of these nations. The ease of mobility between Eastern European countries, with cheap and convenient transport systems, allows you to discover other diverse and enriching regions like Russia, Scandinavia, and the Baltic States, which would further my cultural education and expand my world view.
    Furthermore, I often talk to former students who currently study in Riga and Vilnius, who confirm that life in these cities is a wonderful and unique experience. The 3 capitals of Baltic States have beautiful architecture and lots of cultural interest, with a low cost of living despite being the main cities. Vilnius and Riga are also popular with many Erasmus students, which is an excellent way to improve my English that is already strong; after several years in additional English classes in an international residency and many trips in English-speaking countries like England or Scotland, I feel my level of comprehension and articulation is at a competent level. As a motivated, hardworking and sociable person who fits in well in a group, I feel I am a good candidate to spend a year abroad in a city like Vilnius.
    Thank you very much for considering my application. Please do not hesitate to contact me on the above number or e-mail if you should require further information.
    Yours sincerely,

    Je remercie d'avance la personne qui saura prendre de son temps pour me corriger!

    Modifié par lucile83 le 22-02-2016 21:20

    Réponse: Lettre Erasmus/Correction de rayane99, postée le 24-02-2016 à 20:44:30 (S | E)
    Bonsoir, cette phrase est bizzard "I decided to fill in an application form" j'ai décidé de remplir dans une application forme. Tu est sur que ça se dit? j'ai peut être tort car je ne suis pas un correcteur

    Réponse: Lettre Erasmus/Correction de gerondif, postée le 24-02-2016 à 22:57:33 (S | E)
    Bonsoir, Rayanne99

    "Bonsoir, cette phrase est bizzard (votre orthographe est bizarre aussi ) "I decided to fill in an application form" j'ai décidé de remplir dans une application forme. Tu est sur que ça se dit? j'ai peut être tort car je ne suis pas un correcteur".

    oui en effet,ça se dit et donc vous avez tort,la phrase est correcte parce que in n'est pas une préposition comme dans: he is working in his room (complément de lieu), mais une particule adverbiale transformant le verbe en verbe remplir un document:"I decided to fill in an application form"(complément d'objet): j'ai décidé de compléter un formulaire d'inscription.
    erreurs en bleu, corrections en vert:
    "Dear Sir or Madam,
    After having discussed (after discussing suffirait) with former Descartes students in foreign countries, and making extensive research on DUETI and Erasmus, I decided to fill in an application form. I feel my strengths and abilities are very well suited to the course, and would appreciate a consideration of my candidature.

    I am currently doing an IUT in Techniques de Commercialisation (2nd year) and I know that I would truly benefit from for a year abroad offered by DUETI. I would like to specialise in economy and web marketing, and as Vilnius University propose courses of E-marketing and economics, Lithuania is therefore my first choice.

    First and foremost, I’ve always been fascinated by the three Baltic States: Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. These countries give such a fantastic opportunity to discover a new and different culture, and the international experience helps cultivate a more balanced and educated perspective on the world. Equally, it is undeniable that studying in a foreign country allows you to become far more independent; you have to adjust to a radically different environment, hitting the ground running as you adapt to new systems and customs. A further benefit is the geographical location of these nations. The ease of mobility between Eastern European countries, with cheap and convenient transport systems, allows you to discover other diverse and enriching regions like Russia, Scandinavia, and the Baltic States, which would further my cultural education and expand my world view.(my view of the world)

    Furthermore, I often talk to former students who currently study(who are currently studying) in Riga and Vilnius, who confirm that life in these cities is a wonderful and unique experience. The 3 capitals of the Baltic States have beautiful architecture and lots of cultural interest, with a low cost of living despite being the main cities. Vilnius and Riga are also popular with many Erasmus students, which is an excellent way to improve my English that (plutôt which) is already strong; after several years in additional English classes in an international residency and many trips in English-speaking countries like England or Scotland, I feel my level of comprehension and articulation is at a competent level. As a motivated, hardworking and sociable person who fits in well in a group, I feel I am a good candidate to spend a year abroad in a city like Vilnius.
    Thank you very much for considering my application. Please do not hesitate to contact me on(at) the above number or e-mail if you should (should you require est encore plus "classe") require further information.
    Yours sincerely,

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

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