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    The missing vowels/161

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    The missing vowels/161
    Message de marit64 posté le 24-02-2016 à 22:51:17 (S | E | F)

    Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

    This time the number of vowels is given in 3 out of 10 answers.

    1- A long slender rod used as the symbol of magic power by conjurors, fairies etc. ..... (nwd) 1
    2- A synonym of "tag". ..... (bt)
    3- A person in a play novel etc. ..... (rrhcct)
    4- A person whose job is to put plaster on walls, ceilings etc. ..... (srptlr)
    5- To say what's wrong with a sick person after making an examination; to identify an illness. ..... (gdns)
    6- To make meaningless drawings and scribbles, usually while thinking, talking on the telephone etc. ..... (dld)
    7- To pull out or draw out, especially by force or with effort. ..... (cxtrt)
    8- A female goat. ..... (gntnn-) 4
    9- A type of wading bird with long beak, neck, legs. ..... (rskt) 1
    10- The flower bud of a tropical tree dried for use as a spice. ..... (lvc)

    Good luck and have fun!

    Have a great week!

    So long

    Réponse : The missing vowels/161 de flowermusic, postée le 24-02-2016 à 23:18:37 (S | E)
    Hello Marit

    And that's my try :

    1- A long slender rod used as the symbol of magic power by conjurors, fairies etc. ..... (nwd) 1 wand
    2- A synonym of "tag". ..... (bt) tab
    3- A person in a play novel etc. ..... (rrhcct) character
    4- A person whose job is to put plaster on walls, ceilings etc. ..... (srptlr) plasterer
    5- To say what's wrong with a sick person after making an examination; to identify an illness. ..... (gdns) diagnose
    6- To make meaningless drawings and scribbles, usually while thinking, talking on the telephone etc. ..... (dld) doodle
    7- To pull out or draw out, especially by force or with effort. ..... (cxtrt) extract
    8- A female goat. ..... (gntnn-) 4 nanny-goat
    9- A type of wading bird with long beak, neck, legs. ..... (rskt) 1 stork
    10- The flower bud of a tropical tree dried for use as a spice. ..... (lvc) clove

    Have a sweet sweet week

    Réponse : The missing vowels/161 de koreen2012, postée le 25-02-2016 à 10:04:20 (S | E)
    Hello Marit
    Thank you fort his new exercice

    1- A long slender rod used as the symbol of magic power by conjurors, fairies etc. ..... wand
    2- A synonym of "tag". ..... tab
    3- A person in a play novel etc. ..... character
    4- A person whose job is to put plaster on walls, ceilings etc. ..... plasterer
    5- To say what's wrong with a sick person after making an examination; to identify an illness. ..... diagnose
    6- To make meaningless drawings and scribbles, usually while thinking, talking on the telephone etc. ..... doodle
    7- To pull out or draw out, especially by force or with effort. ..... (cxtrt)
    8- A female goat. ..... (gntnn-) 4
    9- A type of wading bird with long beak, neck, legs. ..... stork
    10- The flower bud of a tropical tree dried for use as a spice. ..... clove

    I haven't found 2 words I will come back to find them
    Have a nice day

    Réponse : The missing vowels/161 de , postée le 26-02-2016 à 07:52:06 (S | E)
    Hi my dear Marit. Hi everybody.

    Here is my try. Nice weekend to everybody.

    1- A long slender rod used as the symbol of magic power by conjurors, fairies etc... (nwd)1.-Wand.-Baguette magique.
    2- A synonym of "tag". ..... (bt). - Tab.- Etiquette.
    3- A person in a play novel etc. ..... (rrhcct).- Character.-Personnage.
    4- A person whose job is to put plaster on walls, ceilings etc. (srptlr).-Plasterer.- Plâtrier.
    5- To say what's wrong with a sick person after making an examination; to identify an illness. ..... (gdns).-Diagnose- Diagnoctiser.
    6- To make meaningless drawings and scribbles, usually while thinking, talking on the telephone etc. . (dld).-Doodle.-Gribouiller.
    7- To pull out or draw out, especially by force or with effort. ..... (cxtrt). - Extract.-Arracher
    8- A female goat. ..... (gntnn-) 4 .- Nanny-goat.- Chèvre.
    9- A type of wading bird with long beak, neck, legs. ..... (rskt) 1 . - Stork - Cigogne.
    10- The flower bud of a tropical tree dried for use as a spice. ..... (lvc). - Clove.- Girofle.

    Réponse : The missing vowels/161 de koreen2012, postée le 04-03-2016 à 13:42:54 (S | E)
    Hello Marit
    Here is my other suggestions

    7- To pull out or draw out, especially by force or with effort. ..... extract
    8- A female goat. ..... nanny-goat

    Thank you

    Réponse : The missing vowels/161 de bulymj54, postée le 06-03-2016 à 19:48:18 (S | E)
    The missing vowels/161
    1- A long slender rod used as the symbol of magic power by conjurors, fairies etc. ..... (nwd) 1 wand
    2- A synonym of "tag". ..... (bt) tab
    3- A person in a play novel etc. ..... (rrhcct) character
    4- A person whose job is to put plaster on walls, ceilings etc. ..... (srptlr) ?
    5- To say what's wrong with a sick person after making an examination; to identify an illness. ..... (gdns) diagnostic
    6- To make meaningless drawings and scribbles, usually while thinking, talking on the telephone etc. ..... (dld) piddle
    7- To pull out or draw out, especially by force or with effort. ..... (cxtrt) ?
    8- A female goat. ..... (gntnn-) 4 nanny-goat
    9- A type of wading bird with long beak, neck, legs. ..... (rskt) 1 stork
    10- The flower bud of a tropical tree dried for use as a spice. ..... (lvc) clove

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

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