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    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

    Message de opheliem posté le 23-03-2016 à 18:35:43 (S | E | F)
    j'ai besoin de votre aide pour la correction de ma série de réponse pour un entretien très important!
    Merci d'avance pour à ceux qui auront la patience de m'aider!

    1/ I was born in Paris. I grew up in the area, I live for 10 years in xxx.
    2/ I live with my father, my mother and my little brother who is 15 years old; I also have an older sister of 23 years old, she has his own House. My parents have a significant undertaking for our city and work great so I usually to stay alone since I am young and look after my little brother. I was at the boarding house for four years, I came back only a few times on weekends.
    3/My relationship with them is good, my parents are still young, under 45 years old for both. I am very often with my sister, but trying to do activities with my brother, play football, to the PlayStation with him...
    4/My family follows me in my projects, when I got the idea to do the legwork for the United States as an aupair, they thought that it was a very good experience to live, take advantage of an opportunity like this to enrich me.
    5/ No
    6/For me, be an aupair is really which the best, I love kids, I have a dozen of small cousins that I kept when I was young! And the United States, it is simply a dream to be able to live there for a year! I think it's not easy to manage, country unknown, unknown family. But I'm really very motivated!
    7/ I think, to be an aupair, just to be considered and to act as a big sister, be cool to have fun and take care of them without be too lax. And be patient, be creative, have energy, love move
    8/ What I do naturally at home, help to the household tasks, cooking, why not make known a few French recipes! Just to ease the daily lives of parents, it’s normal!
    9/Kids love creative activities, why not the drawing, painting in several forms, with treasure hunts, making cakes... Do Sport or outdoor games. But it depends on their ages...
    10/ If I don’t have children to look after and I have free time, obviously I take to visit the city, I hope to be in a big city with many things to see. Go to the cinema to see films that are not yet in France, drink Smoothie and milkshake all day or eat pancakes, muffins or any other cakes high-calorie which I don't find in France!
    11/ I do not actually sports, but I love to run, otherwise I do sport indoors for the moment! But I love the sport, football, rugby, ping pong, baseball...
    12/ I don’t have hundreds of friends; I have some very good friends who I can count
    13/For a good friendship for me, the base is confidence. A friend should be tolerant, attentive, simple, above all be honest.
    14/A family with a different religion or different political opinion is totally indifferent for me. This is not a problem for me, in my boarding school, students came from everywhere in the world, they have all different religion
    15/I think for have a good relationship with my host family, it must set limits. The moments where they prefer to have their intimacy with family and moments where I am with them... I think it makes sense, I have to find my place without encroaching on their family space and their privacy
    16/ I would like to 24 or 25 years old
    17/ I applied a few days ago for my return to France to go to a school in Bordeaux, pass a dietary BTS
    18/ I have no particular criteria for the host family, but I am more comfortable with children rather that with babies, the ideal would be to have children over 5 years have more choices in activities and everything but in any situation I adapt me
    19/ If I am given the choice to go in a city in particular, without hesitation it is Los angeles. It is my dream to go there! But otherwise, I like all cities in the United States especially with the Sun of course! I love New York also. But really my ideal would be closer to Los Angeles
    20/At the beginning, I'm afraid to have difficulties expressing and make myself understood. I'm not afraid of the lack of my family or my friends because with all the social networks it is easy to keep contact. I also know that my family will come visit me when it will possible. And then I dream to go in the United States since I was young, I think that this year will be surely too quickly.
    21/Yes, I'm already go twice in New York on a school trip and once in London with my family. And in two weeks I go with my family in New York City for the holidays

    Modifié par lucile83 le 23-03-2016 22:37

    Réponse: Correction/entretien de illestjaja, postée le 24-03-2016 à 01:14:37 (S | E)
    1/ I was born in Paris. I grew up in the area, I have been living for 10 years in xxx.
    2/ I'm living with my two parents and my 15 year old little brother ; I also have a 23 year old sister, she has her own House. My parents have a significant undertaking for our city and work hard so I usually stay alone since I am young and look after my little brother. I used to live in a boarding school for four years, I would only come back a few times on weekends.
    3/My parents and I have a good relationship, they are still young, both are still in their late 40's. I spend a lot of time with my sister, but I'm trying to hang more with my brother, playing football, PlayStation ...
    4/My family supports me in my projects, when I got the idea to do the legwork for the United States as an aupair, they thought that it was a very good experience to live, to take advantage of an opportunity like this to enrich me.

    Btw, what do u you mean by '' a significant undertaking'' ? It could mean a lot of things . (Venture...)

    Modifié par lucile83 le 24-03-2016 07:23

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

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