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    Aide/famille d'accueil
    Message de oregongirl posté le 28-03-2016 à 22:24:32 (S | E | F)
    Hello !
    Je sollicite votre aide car je pars cet été dans l'Oregon trois semaines en famille d'accueil et je dois dans ce cadre rédiger une lettre contenant ma présentation, celle de ma famille et de ma ville, mes activités et enfin mes attentes. Je ne m'étale pas sur les lieux précis que je souhaite visiter ou encore sur toutes les activités que je pratique car j'ai un formulaire à part à remplir traitant de ces questions en particulier.
    L'anglais n'est pas ma première langue vivante et je crains donc le mauvais emploi de mots ou bien la faute de grammaire/syntaxe.
    Quelqu'un pourrait-il jeter un coup d’œil à cette fameuse lettre s'il vous plait ?
    Merci d'avance,

    Dear host family,
    My name is ****** ****** and I will soon be 17 years old.
    I live in *******, which is a quite a lovely town close to Paris, at two subway stations. ******** is a pleasant setting for teenager because it is next to La Défense, which is the main center of Paris with a big shopping mall and a lot of cinema.
    I live in a house with my parents and my little sister. Her name is ****** and she is 13 years old. My mother, Isabelle, is 49 and she is a manager of technical services and my father, Gilles, is the manager of Human Resources; both work for the main Parisian transport company.

    As for myself, I am in high school, scientific section, so I am learning more about mathematics, biology or chemistry. But I also enjoy French Literature, Latin, German (since 9 years) or English (since 6 years). I have always been interested in foreign cultures and languages. Therefore I already went to Germany for exchanges and I have visited a few countries like Norway or Italy. Those journeys were for me the opportunity to discover new landscapes but above all, they gave me the proof that a host family is the best way to discover a country because not only can I visit the tourist sites, but I also can share inhabitants’ everyday life (I consider that it is important and enriching).

    I love having fun, laughing and enjoying life but I am also quiet a responsible person. I am totally open-minded, very sociable and positive and I love meeting new people. I consider honesty, solidarity and respect as necessary to good understanding.

    In my spare time, I play the piano (since four years) and I dance with my friends every Saturday morning. I love hanging out with them, to watch a movie or to go to parties, for instance. I sometimes like shopping but I prefer the outdoor activities like hiking or camping. I am also very much interested in visited museums.

    This journey will be for me the occasion to discover the USA and their famous “American way of life”. I would like of course to improve my English, but even more to discover your everyday life. Obviously, I would be delated to share with you about France and to introduce you the French culture. On top of that, I would explore Oregon, which offers lots of wondering landscapes.

    I look forward to meeting you,
    Best regards,

    Modifié par lucile83 le 28-03-2016 22:41

    Réponse: Aide/famille d'accueil de bluestar, postée le 29-03-2016 à 13:30:21 (S | E)

    Dear host family,
    My name is ****** ****** and I will soon be 17 years old.
    I live in *******, which is a quite a lovely town close to Paris, at two subway stations. ******** is a pleasant setting for a teenager because it is next to La Défense, which is the main center of Paris with a big shopping mall and a lot of cinema(pluriel apres 'a lot of').
    I live in a house with my parents and my little sister. Her name is ****** and she is 13 years old. My mother, Isabelle, is 49 and she is a manager of technical services and my father, Gilles, is the manager of Human Resources; both work for the main Parisian transport company.

    As for myself, I am in high school, scientific section, so I am learning more about mathematics, biology or chemistry. But I also enjoy French Literature, Latin, German (since 9 years) or English (since 6 years). I have always been interested in foreign cultures and languages. Therefore I already went to Germany for exchanges and I have visited a few countries like Norway or Italy. Those journeys were for me the opportunity to discover new landscapes but above all, they gave me the proof ('showed me' serait mieux) that a host family is the best way to discover a country because not only can I visit the tourist sites, but I also can share (article?) inhabitants’ everyday life (I consider that it is important and enriching).

    I love having fun, laughing and enjoying life but I am also quiet a responsible person. I am totally open-minded, very sociable and positive and I love meeting new people. I consider honesty, solidarity and respect as necessary to good understanding.

    In my spare time, I play the piano (since four years) and I dance with my friends every Saturday morning. I love hanging out with them, to watch a movie or to go to parties, for instance. I sometimes like shopping but I prefer the outdoor activities like hiking or camping. I am also very much interested in visited (utiliser le participe present ici) museums.

    This journey will be for me the occasion to discover the USA and their your famous “American way of life”. I would like of course to improve my English, but even more to discover your everyday life. Obviously, I would be delated(orth a verifier) to share with you about France and to introduce you....prep. manquante.. the French culture. On top of that, I would explore Oregon, which offers lots of wondering(un autre adjectif)landscapes.

    Réponse: Aide/famille d'accueil de oregongirl, postée le 29-03-2016 à 16:52:38 (S | E)
    Merci beaucoup !
    Bonne journée !

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

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