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    Lettre motivation/Correction

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    Lettre motivation/Correction
    Message de judy35 posté le 01-04-2016 à 18:06:08 (S | E | F)
    Je dois écrire une lettre de motivation pour mon admission en première année de licence droit-droit anglo-américain...
    Serait-il possible qu'on m'aiguille sur mes fautes? Il y en a probablement quelques-unes, je pense.
    En vous remerciant

    Dear Sir or Madam,

    I am a 12th grade student in economics at Lycée xxxx in xxxx. My intention is to pursue my education in the legal field, by getting into your establishment, renowned for the quality of education. I am particularly interested in the degree in Anglo-American law (licence de droit parcours droit anglo-américain) proposed by your university.
    I would like to join a law degree because the legal area interests me a lot. Indeed, I think law is a good way to acquire a great general knowledge thereby understanding today’s world issues along with the rules governing our society. I enhanced my interest in law during the immersion days (journées d’immersion) at the University of xxxxx. I had the chance to attend lectures such as constitutional law, American civilization or legal history. Furthermore, passionate by languages, I have been following for five years now a DNL (section européenne) in English. This helped me getting a good level in English language as well as some knowledges of the functioning of the Anglophone world and its societies. Thus, the Anglo-American law degree seems to me to be a logical continuation based on my passions but also considering my career plans. Indeed, in the future, I would like to work in the field of international law and I think learning two different aspects of law, French and Anglo-American law, as it is proposed by your academic training, is essential to success in this field. After a law degree, I am considering moving towards a master’s degree in law focused on international or humanitarian law, in order to practice a profession in the field of international human rights, ideally in a NGO.
    I have known the University of xxxxx notably thanks to students that I met during my searches but also thanks to my professors who suggested me this training. And besides, during the open day of the university, I had the opportunity to meet professors and students who encouraged me to enroll in xxxxx university and especially in this degree, well-known its quality trainings.
    Highly motivated and conscious of the amount of work required, I believe to be sufficiently thorough, organized and determined to success in a law degree like yours.
    I hope I have convinced you of my motivation, I am available at any time in order to discuss further my application. I am looking forward to hearing from you.
    Thank you for your time and consideration.

    xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx

    Modifié par lucile83 le 01-04-2016 23:15

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