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    Lettre/motivation Erasmus

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    Lettre/motivation Erasmus
    Message de desmurges posté le 17-05-2016 à 16:18:53 (S | E | F)
    Bonjour à vous,
    c'est mon 1er poste sur le forum et je demande déjà de l'aide (pas très sympa..)
    Je pars en Erasmus en Finlande l'année prochaine et je dois m'inscrire très rapidement à l'université d'accueil. J'aurais besoin d'une relecture d'un œil avisé sur l'anglais car je ne suis pas très doué.
    Il faudra que je me relise plusieurs fois car cette lettre est un premier jet, et je suis conscient que certaines phrases font vraiment pompeuses.
    Merci à vous !

    Dear Madam, Dear Sir
    I am a second year student in Sales and Marketing Technics at the University of Caen in Cherbourg. I would like to make an exchange for the Erasmus + program in your university. Participating to such a program is a big chance for me, and I count to grab it.

    Making a study year in a foreign country is a new experience that would never be forgotten. By the time of the global economy, this is a new step in my life which draws in my education and the construction of my personality. Not just as a French citizen, but as a citizen of the world. This process lead/leads in both a personal and professional way. I hope this Erasmus year will allow me to acquire maturity, an open-minded culture, a capacity to adapt myself in a new environment, and a higher knowledge and competences. Of course, it will be the occasion to improve my English skills, which is essential for my professional future.

    Finland is a country which attracts me for many reasons. Mainly is the curiosity that I have to your country, to this Scandinavian zone of the North of Europe. And to be honest, I don’t know well your country, even if I did a lot of research on the internet the last few months when I knew I was accepted to participate to the Erasmus program.
    Maybe it will be the unique opportunity to go in a country of the North of Europe.
    I want to discover your culture, learn your way of life, your rhythm to live with the weather of the North. I want to see and understand the Finnish mentality, your teaching methods. The lakes, forests and other landscapes are wonderful also, and it will be so nice to roam them.

    It is a kind of a test for me, and I will challenge it. I know several friends who are in Erasmus year, and they came back delighted with more self-confidence, a new look through the situations of the life (whether professional or personal they are). I am serious and ambitious and I want to do the best year that I can.
    I looking forward to hearing from you.

    Best regards,

    Modifié par lucile83 le 17-05-2016 17:51

    Réponse: Lettre/motivation Erasmus de here4u, postée le 17-05-2016 à 19:47:09 (S | E)

    Dear Madam, Dear Sir
    I am a second year student in Sales and Marketing Technics at the University of Caen in Cherbourg. I would like to make an exchange for the Erasmus + program in your university. Participating to such a program is a big chance for me, and I count to grab it.à revoir.

    Making a study year in a foreign country is a new experience that would never be forgotten. By the time of the global economy, this is a new step in my life which draws in my education and the construction of my personality. Not just as a French citizen, but as a citizen of the world. This process lead/leads in both a personal and professional way. I hope this Erasmus year will allow me to acquire maturity, an open-minded culture, a capacity to adapt myself in a new environment, and a higher knowledge and competences. Of course, it will be the occasion to improve my English skills, which is essential for my professional future.

    Finland is a country which attracts me for many reasons. Mainly is the curiosity that I have to your country, to this Scandinavian zone of the North of Europe. And to be honest, I don’t know well (word order)your country, even if I did a lot of research on the internet XX the last few months when I knew I was accepted to participate to the Erasmus program.
    Maybe it will be the unique opportunity to go in a country of the North of Europe.
    I want to discover your culture, learn your way of life, your rhythm to live with the weather of the North. I want to see and understand the Finnish mentality, your teaching methods. The lakes, forests and other landscapes are wonderful also, and it will be so nice to roam them.

    It is a kind of a test for me, and I will challenge it. I know several friends who are doing an in Erasmus year, and they came back delighted with more self-confidence, a new look through the situations of the life (whether professional or personal they are). I am serious and ambitious and I want to do the best year that I can.
    I'M looking forward to hearing from you.

    you should insist on what you would bring...

    Best regards,

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

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