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    Aide/lettre motivation

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    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

    Aide/lettre motivation
    Message de matthieuglm posté le 31-05-2016 à 14:11:01 (S | E | F)
    Bonjour !
    aujourd'hui je postule à une offre et souhaite la rédiger en français mais aussi en anglais (l'annonceur étant anglais à la base mais le job est en français).
    Alors voilà, je m'en remets à vous pour un peu d'aide si possible...
    Le message doit être hyper court. C'est un premier jet déjà, histoire de voir si j'écris assez bien.
    Il s'agit d'employer des outils numériques de cartographie (ceci expliquant cela !)
    Un grand merci !

    Dear Sir,
    I’m writing to apply for the position of (job name) advertised in xxxxx website.
    During my professional experience, I’ve accomplished many missions in graphic and product design sectors but especially in multimédia.
    I’m now looking for an activity related to digital tools and it’s why I would like to provide my skills to contribute to the well delivery of your services.
    I’m also used with digital tools for creation, soft, programming languages or other media, especially from my office where an internet connection stand running permanantly.
    Then, I like to know the several regions I visit. I’ve regularly traveled the Center of France, or other regions : Aube, Picardie, and Marne, which I know many of the characteristics. To do that, I usually use media such as online maps or various tourist website which are helpful to discover the country.
    I look forward to hearing from you and I’m at your disposal for further information to know how I could contribute to the quality of your services.
    Yours faithfully
    (My name)

    Modifié par lucile83 le 31-05-2016 14:50

    Réponse: Aide/lettre motivation de gerondif, postée le 31-05-2016 à 14:27:40 (S | E)
    erreurs en bleu, corrections en vert

    Dear Sir,
    I’m writing to apply for the position of (job name) advertised in xxxxx website.
    During my professional experience, I’ve accomplished many missions in graphic and product design sectors but especially in multimédia.(sans accent)
    I’m now looking for an activity related to digital tools and it’s (that's) why I would like to provide(vous ne dites pas à qui vous les fournissez, vos compétences, j'aurais mis to offer you) my skills to contribute to the well right delivery of your services.
    I’m also used with(ne va pas I am used to + verbe en ing) digital tools for creation, soft, programming languages or other media, especially from my office where an internet connection stand running permanantly. (with a permanent internet connection)
    Then, I like to know the several regions I visit. I’ve regularly traveled to the Center of France, or other regions : Aube, Picardie, and Marne, which I know many of the characteristics.(normalement: the characteristics of which I know very well. En plus léger: whose characteristics I know very well, whose étant au départ réservé aux humains mais ça s'entend) To do that, I usually use media such as online maps or various tourist websites which are helpful to discover the country.
    I look forward to hearing from you and I’m at your disposal for further information to know how I could contribute to the quality of your services.
    Yours faithfully

    Réponse: Aide/lettre motivation de matthieuglm, postée le 31-05-2016 à 16:01:40 (S | E)
    Wow ! c'est vraiment sympa

    ça va je ne suis pas trop à l'ouest mais il y a quelques erreurs quand même...

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Thèmes généraux, jeux


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