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    Cover Letter/Hotel Management School

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    Cover Letter/Hotel Management School
    Message de renardette posté le 30-01-2017 à 10:14:57 (S | E | F)
    Hello !
    I have to send a cover letter for an Hotel Management School in xxx, the cover letter is just 3 questions they ask us to answer.
    I'm not a native English speaker, so I would like if somebody could tell me what's wrong in my cover letter.
    Thanks for any reply !

    1.What are the principal characteristics needed to become an efficient manager in the hospitality industry ?
    According to me, a good manager in the hospitality business should always stay calm, whatever the situation may be.
    Indeed, the hospitality business is a sector of intense work, and a manager has to manage as far as possible to face the problems with serenity. If the manager is serene, the crew he is managing will also be serene.
    To face the inevitable unforeseen, it is necessary to share the same objectives with everyone. Tous the manager will have to give responsibilities to the members of his team and to create within it an atmosphere convenient to an effective work, as often as possible in a good mood, in order to be able to obtain the best of each. The manager will have to help those who made a mistake or who were lacking efficiency to improve, and to congratulate or to reward the others, which is always difficult in the heat of the moment (we never think of thanking the driver when the train arrives on time)
    I imagine that an irreproachable organization is necessary, the hotel management requires the coordination of numerous interventions which have to take place discreetly but effectively for the comfort of the clientele.
    Finally, a good manager must know how to anticipate the expectations of the clientele. The clientele is necessarily varies, all the customers do not have the same needs and desires. The manager will have to demonstrate some rigor, have an eye for detail, show punctuality, be constantly polite and smiling.

    2.What is your motivation to undertake an educational course in Hotel & Tourism Management in xxx ?
    Since the middle of secondary school, I am seeking a carrer in the hotel business. It is difficult for me to say why, as it appears to me so much as an obvious fact.
    The hotel business combines exactly the dose of professionalism, practical manners and experience which I wish to apply in my professional life. I enjoy travelling, this is one of the reasons why I chose the hotel business and the tourism.
    Since this vocation is identified, I look near the schools of the Vatel group which seem to offer the range of the skills I want to acquire during my studies.
    My plan of studies is to get a Master’s degree in hospitality management, and the specialization of the Master’s degree of Vatel Mauritius always interested me more than all the other specializations.
    And to also get my Bachelor in Vatel Mauritius would be an excellent opportunity, as it would allow me to begin earlier my specialization by being able to work in resorts from my first internships.
    The xxx Island being very touristic, I gather that the internships will be very formative and stimulating, and will allow me to have already a little bit of experience before the end of my studies.
    Finally, after living in xxx, a cosmopolitan city, I want to keep living in multicultural countries, the huge diversity of religions, cultures and languages in xxx attracts me even more.

    3.Give 3 key reasons why Vatel should admit you as one of its students
    Three essential reasons for which Vatel would accept my application are : in the first place, I am a motivated future student, curious about everything, I always had a strong urge to learn and in particular of new knowledge useful for me when entering active life. Secondly, I am sure that I want to pursue a career in hospitality management. This sabbatical year allowed me to inform myself even more, and now I have no doubts at all. My experience in restoration gives me the advantage to already know a bit of this environment. And last but not least, I always have a lot of pleasure to work in a group and more generally to put a good atmosphere everywhere I go, by trying to solve more problems than I cause.

    Edited by lucile83 on 30-01-2017 12:25

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