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    The missing vowels/207

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    The missing vowels/207
    Message de marit64 posté le 08-03-2017 à 22:50:24 (S | E | F)

    Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

    This time, the number of vowels is given in 6 out of 10 answers.

    1- A kind of sore that doesn't heal easily, on the skin or inside the body. ..... (crl)

    2- To put an end to, or to take away (a person's fears etc). ..... (lql) 2

    3- Rays which can pass through many substances impossible for light to pass through, and which produce a picture of the object through which they have passed. ..... (ryx-s)

    4- Articles for sale. ..... (rws) 2

    5- A piece of cloth or paper put between a baby's legs to soak up urine. ..... (pnp) 2

    6- A border or fringe round a garment. ..... (ggdn) 2

    7- To drive forward, especially mechanically. ..... (lppr) 2

    8- A device, usually in a garden, for telling time from the shadow of a rod or plate on its surface cast by the sun. ..... (dlsn)

    9- A wooden frame placed over the necks of oxen to hold them together when they are pulling a cart. ..... (ky) 2

    10- Having been made hot. ..... (dht)

    Good luck and have fun!

    Have a great week!

    So long

    Réponse : The missing vowels/207 de daisy50, postée le 09-03-2017 à 00:21:37 (S | E)
    Bonsoir Marit,
    C'est avec quelques difficultés que j'ai réussi à obtenir les réponses, mais sont-ce les bonnes ?
    J'en profite pour faire un petit coucou à toute la famille de "missing vowels".

    1- A kind of sore that doesn't heal easily, on the skin or inside the body. ..... (crl)ulcer

    2- To put an end to, or to take away (a person's fears etc). ..... (lql) 2 quell

    3- Rays which can pass through many substances impossible for light to pass through, and which produce a picture of the object through which they have passed. ..... (ryx-s)X-rays

    4- Articles for sale. ..... (rws) 2 wares

    5- A piece of cloth or paper put between a baby's legs to soak up urine. ..... (pnp) 2 nappy

    6- A border or fringe round a garment. ..... (ggdn) 2 edging

    7- To drive forward, especially mechanically. ..... (lppr) 2 propel

    8- A device, usually in a garden, for telling time from the shadow of a rod or plate on its surface cast by the sun. ..... (dlsn)sundial

    9- A wooden frame placed over the necks of oxen to hold them together when they are pulling a cart. ..... (ky) 2 yoke

    10- Having been made hot. ..... (dht)redhotje devais être fatiguée hier soir car j'avais oublié qu'il n'y avait pas de "r" dans la réponse, laquelle est probablement "heated" s< hidden>

    Thanks a lot Marit for this excellent exercice.
    Have a very nice week. See you later.

    Modifié par daisy50 le 09-03-2017 08:08

    Réponse : The missing vowels/207 de flowermusic, postée le 09-03-2017 à 01:35:33 (S | E)
    Hello dear Marit

    ............. et salut à la fine équipe, Daisy, Swan, Violet, Chocolat et les autres

    After a movie screening, for my special day, I'm here, that's fine !!!

    1- A kind of sore that doesn't heal easily, on the skin or inside the body. ..... (crl) ulcer

    2- To put an end to, or to take away (a person's fears etc). ..... (lql) 2 quell

    3- Rays which can pass through many substances impossible for light to pass through, and which produce a picture of the object through which they have passed. ..... (ryx-s) x-rays

    4- Articles for sale. ..... (rws) 2 wares

    5- A piece of cloth or paper put between a baby's legs to soak up urine. ..... (pnp) 2 nappy

    6- A border or fringe round a garment. ..... (ggdn) 2 edging

    7- To drive forward, especially mechanically. ..... (lppr) 2 propel

    8- A device, usually in a garden, for telling time from the shadow of a rod or plate on its surface cast by the sun. ..... (dlsn) sundial

    9- A wooden frame placed over the necks of oxen to hold them together when they are pulling a cart. ..... (ky) 2 yoke

    10- Having been made hot. ..... (dht) heated

    Have a sweet sweet week

    Réponse : The missing vowels/207 de afarodj, postée le 09-03-2017 à 11:01:28 (S | E)
    Hi dear Marit

    Hi everybody.

    Here is my try. Have a nice week.

    1- A kind of sore that doesn't heal easily, on the skin or inside the body. ..... (crl).-Ulcer.- Ulcère

    2- To put an end to, or to take away (a person's fears etc). ..... (lql) 2.- Quell.- Apaiser.

    3- Rays which can pass through many substances impossible for light to pass through, and which produce a picture of the object through which they have passed. ..... (ryx-s).- X-rays.- Rayons X

    4- Articles for sale. ..... (rws) 2.- Wears.- Vêtements.

    5- A piece of cloth or paper put between a baby's legs to soak up urine. ..... (pnp) 2.- Nappy.- Couche-bébé.

    6- A border or fringe round a garment. ..... (ggdn) 2.- Edging.- Bordage.

    7- To drive forward, especially mechanically. ..... (lppr) 2.- Propel.- Propulser.

    8- A device, usually in a garden, for telling time from the shadow of a rod or plate on its surface cast by the sun. ..... (dlsn). - Sundial.- Cadran solaire.

    9- A wooden frame placed over the necks of oxen to hold them together when they are pulling a cart. ..... (ky) 2.- Yoke.- Joug.

    10- Having been made hot. ..... (dht).-Heated.- Chauffé.

    Réponse : The missing vowels/207 de nadia1973, postée le 09-03-2017 à 17:19:56 (S | E)

    Hello, Marit
    Hello everybody

    Here is my try.

    1- A kind of sore that doesn't heal easily, on the skin or inside the body. ulcer

    2- To put an end to, or to take away (a person's fears etc). quell

    3- Rays which can pass through many substances impossible for light to pass through, and which produce a picture of the object through which they have passed. x-rays

    4- Articles for sale. wares

    5- A piece of cloth or paper put between a baby's legs to soak up urine. nappy

    6- A border or fringe round a garment. edging

    7- To drive forward, especially mechanically. propel

    8- A device, usually in a garden, for telling time from the shadow of a rod or plate on its surface cast by the sun. sundial

    9- A wooden frame placed over the necks of oxen to hold them together when they are pulling a cart. yoke

    10- Having been made hot. heated.

    Thanks Marit for this new exercice.

    Have an excellent week

    Réponse : The missing vowels/207 de sanna6, postée le 12-03-2017 à 15:06:41 (S | E)

    1- A kind of sore that doesn't heal easily, on the skin or inside the body. ... Ulcer - Ulcère

    2- To put an end to, or to take away (a person's fears etc). ... To quell - Réprimer / Dissiper ( I've previously learnt : quill, quail and now quell !! It's wowww!!
    3- Rays which can pass through many substances impossible for light to pass through, and which produce a picture of the object through which they have passed. ... x-rays- Radiographie...Rayons X

    4- Articles for sale. ..... (rws) 2 (I don't find it!)

    5- A piece of cloth or paper put between a baby's legs to soak up urine. ...Nappy - Couche

    6- A border or fringe round a garment. ... Edging - Bordure/Liseré

    7- To drive forward, especially mechanically. ... To propel - Propulser/Projeter

    8- A device, usually in a garden, for telling time from the shadow of a rod or plate on its surface cast by the sun. ...Sundial - Cadran solaire

    9- A wooden frame placed over the necks of oxen to hold them together when they are pulling a cart. ...Yoke - Attelage

    10- Having been made hot. ...heated - Chauffé

    I thank you very much for this new Missing vowels Marit
    I wish everyone a nice week!

    Modifié par sanna6 le 13-03-2017 21:26
    4- Articles for sale...Wares - Marchandises !!...Thank you for the help

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