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    Aide/lettre motivation
    Message de yakara posté le 04-04-2017 à 11:44:29 (S | E | F)
    Bonjour à tous!
    Si je suis ici, c'est que cela fait quelques mois que je prépare un service volontaire européen, j'ai donc rédigé ma lettre en français, puis en anglais et je suis arrivé à un point où j'en suis plutôt satisfait, mais n'ayant pas été très assidue à l'école je doute que celle-ci fasse l'affaire...
    J'aimerais donc la soumettre à votre relecture, pour avoir un avis sur la forme et surtout si mon anglais est plutôt compréhensible, ou non...
    Je remercie d'avance ceux qui prendront la peine de me lire et de m'adresser leurs avis,

    Hello, I am ***** ******, a young man 25-year-old volunteer. I make a commitment in various actions,that it is in my work or in my personal life. I made a Civic Service in the association « Les Petits Débrouillards », in charge of support and development of project. My association works in the cultural and scientific mediation by using a not formal method: " by asking itself questions, we are getting better ".

    During this Civic Service I was able to meet various actors of the associative environment of my region, I participated in various trainings and I also trained some people on the scientific animation and the digital technology in the way « Petits Débrouillards »
    I had the opportunity, within the framework of a program of exchange of practices, to leave two weeks in Belgium and two weeks in Italy, where I kept working on the education in the sciences in Belgium and on the popular and not formal education in Italy with a public from 4 to 18 years.

    In my personnal life i love to travel and meeting people, I was able to travel in bordering countries and everywhere in France. These various journeys brought me enormously, from a professional and personal point of view, and that's why I shall like continuing in this way by including me in an European Voluntary Service in your structure.

    During my diverse commitments in France and in Europe, I was able to participate actively in an educational system and of discoveries totally different from usual frames and it found a certain echo in me.
    In Italy I introduced children from 6 to 12 years old to the debates on diverse themes: bearable mobility / importance of trees and forests / the pollution and the responsible citizenship.
    I entailed for a week of the human science students on the educational practices of my association before a dumping in real environment with schoolchildren.

    As you will have understood, I am in every respect attracted by the various themes which you propose during this European Voluntary Service.
    I already have an experiment of six months on a multitude of tasks:
    - I drafted articles on my journeys in Belgium and Italy for my association
    - participated in animations with children and teenagers in various frames (school, factual, in club)
    - participated in varied trainings : Civic Training and Citizen / Formation on the digital technology / Formation of scientific animator
    - I was able to bring to a successful conclusion actions of coordinations and animation on the project " human being, to live together "

    I think that these various experiences will help me carry out positively my voluntary service.
    I am full of resources and imagination, sociable and with a good capacity of initiative. I already live in a rural area, the frame of the voluntary service will not hamper me, quite the opposite.
    I want to pursue my advance in the field of the animation and in the field of the education, and this voluntary service will be for me an excellent opportunity and will allow me, among others, to learn to speak another language as well as to improve my English.

    Furthermore, by leaving for one year in a foreign country, I shall continue my approach to become a citizen of Europe, of the world, because it is what I would like to become really, even if I am already well moved forward on this way.

    I really wish to integrate your association and I’m at your disposal for any request or additional information.
    Looking forward to an answer from you, please receive all my most respectful greetings.

    Modifié par lucile83 le 04-04-2017 12:42

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