The missing vowels/215
Cours gratuits > Forum > Thèmes généraux, jeux || En basMessage de marit64 posté le 28-06-2017 à 22:51:32 (S | E | F)
Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.
The number of vowels is given in 8 out of 10 answers.
1- A young deer. ..... (wfn)
2- A piece of a material used for writing on, made from animal skin. ..... (htnpmrc) 2
3- The highest point. ..... (mtsm)
4- A long pointed tooth especially of a fierce animal. ..... (gfn) 1
5- To have plenty of. ..... (nbd) 3
6- To awaken. ..... (sr) 3
7- To (cause to) develop leaves, shoots etc. ..... (rtps) 2
8- A reddish-brown nut (one type being edible). ..... (tthnsc) 2
9- A tasty little piece of food. ..... (tttb) 2
10- The wheel or handle by which a ship is steered. ..... (lhm) 1
Good luck and have fun!
Have a great week!
So long
Réponse : The missing vowels/215 de flowermusic, postée le 28-06-2017 à 23:47:31 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit
Et salut à l'équipe fidèle
1- A young deer. ..... (wfn) fawn
2- A piece of a material used for writing on, made from animal skin. ..... (htnpmrc) 2 parchment
3- The highest point. ..... (mtsm) summit
4- A long pointed tooth especially of a fierce animal. ..... (gfn) 1 fang
5- To have plenty of. ..... (nbd) 3 abound
6- To awaken. ..... (sr) 3 rouse
7- To (cause to) develop leaves, shoots etc. ..... (rtps) 2 sprout
8- A reddish-brown nut (one type being edible). ..... (tthnsc) 2 chestnut
9- A tasty little piece of food. ..... (tttb) 2 titbit
10- The wheel or handle by which a ship is steered. ..... (lhm) 1 helm
Have a sweet sweet week
Réponse : The missing vowels/215 de afarodj, postée le 29-06-2017 à 08:31:21 (S | E)
Hi dear Marit. Thank so much for this new exercice.
Hi everybody.
This is my try . Have a nice week.
1- A young deer. ..... (wfn) .- Fawn .- Faon.
2- A piece of a material used for writing on, made from animal skin. ..... (htnpmrc) 2 .- Parchment.- Parchemin.
3- The highest point. ..... (mtsm) .- Summit. Sommet.
4- A long pointed tooth especially of a fierce animal. ..... (gfn) 1 .- Fang -Canine.-
5- To have plenty of. ..... (nbd) 3 .- Abound .- Abonder.
6- To awaken. ..... (sr) 3.- Rouse.-Réveiller.
7- To (cause to) develop leaves, shoots etc. ..... (rtps) 2. Sprout .- Germer.
8- A reddish-brown nut (one type being edible). ..... (tthnsc) 2 .- Chestnut.- Châtaigne.
9- A tasty little piece of food. ..... (tttb) 2 .- Titbit.- Friandise.
10- The wheel or handle by which a ship is steered. ..... (lhm) 1 .- Helm .- Gouvernail.
Réponse : The missing vowels/215 de daisy50, postée le 30-06-2017 à 15:27:53 (S | E)
Hello Marit,
Pas moyen de faire un copier coller depuis quelques jours. C'est donc d'une manière simple mais exacte j'espère,
que je vais répondre à vos énigmes. Quelques unes m'ont donnée du fil à retordre !
Here is my try :
1) fawn - 2) parchment - 3) summit - 4) fang - 5) abound -
6) rouse - 7) sprout - 8) chestnut - 9) titbit 10) helm
Thank you for your tenacity and your courage.
Have a very nice week. See you soon.
Réponse : The missing vowels/215 de sanna6, postée le 30-06-2017 à 19:02:52 (S | E)
1- A young deer. ... Fawn - Faon
2- A piece of a material used for writing on, made from animal skin. ...Parchment - Parchemin
3- The highest point. ... Summit - Sommet
4- A long pointed tooth especially of a fierce animal. ... Fang - Croc
5- To have plenty of. ...To abound - Abonder
6- To awaken. ... To rouse - Éveiller
7- To (cause to) develop leaves, shoots etc. ... To sprout - Germer/Pousser
8- A reddish-brown nut (one type being edible). ... Chestnut -Châtaigne
9- A tasty little piece of food. ... Titbit - Friandise
10- The wheel or handle by which a ship is steered. ... Helm - Gouvernail
Thank you very much for all these new words Marit!
Have a nice week everyone!
Réponse : The missing vowels/215 de swan85, postée le 02-07-2017 à 21:00:50 (S | E)
Hello Marit
Hello Everybody
1- A young deer. Fawn (wfn)
2- A piece of a material used for writing on, made from animal skin. Parchment (htnpmrc) 2
3- The highest point. Summit (mtsm)
4- A long pointed tooth especially of a fierce animal. Fang (gfn) 1
5- To have plenty of. Abound (nbd) 3
6- To awaken. Rouse (sr) 3
7- To (cause to) develop leaves, shoots etc. Sprout (rtps) 2
8- A reddish-brown nut (one type being edible). Chestnut (tthnsc) 2
9- A tasty little piece of food. Titbit (tttb) 2
10- The wheel or handle by which a ship is steered. Helm (lhm) 1
Thank you Marit for this exercise.
See you.
Réponse : The missing vowels/215 de violet91, postée le 03-07-2017 à 17:30:01 (S | E)
Carry on doing your best to be fit back as soon as possible after your latest check up .
1- A young deer. a fawn
2- A piece of a material used for writing on, made from animal skin. A parchment like the wonderful ones in the British Museum London.
3- The highest point. the summit
4- A long pointed tooth especially of a fierce animal. a fang
5- To have plenty abound
6- To awaken. to rouse
7- To (cause to) develop leaves, shoots etc. to sprout like Brussels sprouts !
8- A reddish-brown nut (one type being edible). A chestnut
9- A tasty little piece of food. a titbit
10- The wheel or handle by which a ship is steered. the helm
A thousand thanks again for still entertaining us despite your state of health and not that easy circumstances . Have a soothing and sweeet week with cheerful friends and visits. Love from Violet A.
Cours gratuits > Forum > Thèmes généraux, jeux