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    The missing vowels/216

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    The missing vowels/216
    Message de marit64 posté le 05-07-2017 à 22:51:26 (S | E | F)

    Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

    It's summer time and I've decided to give you the number of vowels in 8 out of 10 answers.

    1- A very poor person. ..... (rpp)

    2- A person who makes and repairs watches, clocks etc. ..... (thkwrcm) 3

    3- To move back or away. ..... (clr) 3

    4- To provide food etc. ..... (tcr) 2

    5- To raise or collect (especially an army or a tax. ..... (vl) 2

    6- To wander; to roam. ..... (vr) 2

    7- A professional entertainer who can speak so that his or her voice seems to come from some other person or place, especially from a dummy which he or she controls. ..... (lqttvsnr) 5

    8- To urge or force (a person etc) to do something by annoying him etc. ..... (dg) 2

    9- A kind of knitting stitch. ..... (rpl)

    10- To push roughly. ..... (tjls) 2

    Good luck and have fun!

    Have a great week!

    So long

    Réponse : The missing vowels/216 de flowermusic, postée le 05-07-2017 à 23:44:28 (S | E)
    Hello dear Marit
    What a pleasant moment !!!

    1- A very poor person. ..... (rpp) pauper

    2- A person who makes and repairs watches, clocks etc. ..... (thkwrcm) 3 watchmaker

    3- To move back or away. ..... (clr) 3 recoil

    4- To provide food etc. ..... (tcr) 2 cater

    5- To raise or collect (especially an army or a tax. ..... (vl) 2 levy

    6- To wander; to roam. ..... (vr) 2 rove

    7- A professional entertainer who can speak so that his or her voice seems to come from some other person or place, especially from a dummy which he or she controls. ..... (lqttvsnr) 5 ventriloquist

    8- To urge or force (a person etc) to do something by annoying him etc. ..... (dg) 2 goad

    9- A kind of knitting stitch. ..... (rpl) purl

    10- To push roughly. ..... (tjls) 2 jostle

    Have a sweet sweet week

    Modifié par flowermusic le 06-07-2017 08:43
    Merci à un oeil citronné qui a vu ma coquille (have a sweet week you too)

    Réponse : The missing vowels/216 de sanna6, postée le 06-07-2017 à 20:06:42 (S | E)

    1- A very poor person. ...Pauper - Personne pauvre

    2- A person who makes and repairs watches, clocks etc. ... watchmaker - Horloger

    3- To move back or away. ...To recoil - Reculer/S'éloigner

    4- To provide food etc. ...To cater - Préparer des repas

    5- To raise or collect (especially an army or a tax. ...To Levy - Prélever/Imposer

    6- To wander; to roam. ...To rove - Errer

    7- A professional entertainer who can speak so that his or her voice seems to come from some other person or place, especially from a dummy which he or she controls. ... Ventriloquist - Ventriloque

    8- To urge or force (a person etc) to do something by annoying him etc. ...To goad - Pousser quelqu'un à faire quelque chose

    9- A kind of knitting stitch. ...Purl - Maille à l'envers

    10- To push roughly. ...To jostle - Bousculer

    I thank you Marit for your words..It's always a pleasure to do and research new words.
    A nice week everyone !

    Réponse : The missing vowels/216 de afarodj, postée le 07-07-2017 à 19:07:29 (S | E)
    Hi dear Marit

    Hi everybody

    Here is my try, thank you so much for this new work. I wish you good health.
    Have a nice week.

    1- A very poor person. ..... (rpp).-Pauper .- Indigent

    2- A person who makes and repairs watches, clocks etc.... (thkwrcm) 3 .- Watchmaker.- Horloger.

    3- To move back or away. ..... (clr) 3 .- Recoil.-Reculer.

    4- To provide food etc. ..... (tcr) 2 .- Cater.-Approvisionner

    5- To raise or collect (especially an army or a tax. ..... (vl) 2 .- Levy.- Percevoir.

    6- To wander; to roam. ..... (vr) 2 .- Rove.- Errer.

    7- A professional entertainer who can speak so that his or her voice seems to come from some other person or place, especially from a dummy which he or she controls. ..... (lqttvsnr) 5 .-Ventriloquist.- Ventriloque.

    8- To urge or force (a person etc) to do something by annoying him etc. ..... (dg) 2 .- Goad.- Harcler.

    9- A kind of knitting stitch. ..... (rpl).- Purl.- Maille.

    10- To push roughly. ..... (tjls) 2 .- Jostle.- Bousculer.

    Modifié par afarodj le 07-07-2017 19:12

    Réponse : The missing vowels/216 de daisy50, postée le 07-07-2017 à 20:16:39 (S | E)
    Hello Marit,

    Here is my try,

    1- A very poor person. .... pauper

    2- A person who makes and repairs watches, clocks etc. .... watchmaker

    3- To move back or away. ..... recoil

    4- To provide food etc. .... cater

    5- To raise or collect (especially an army or a tax. ..... levy

    6- To wander; to roam. .... rove

    7- A professional entertainer who can speak so that his or her voice seems to come from some other person or place, especially from a dummy which he or she controls. .... ventriloquist

    8- To urge or force (a person etc) to do something by annoying him etc. ... goad

    9- A kind of knitting stitch. ..... purl

    10- To push roughly. ..... jostle

    Have a very very good week and see you later!

    Réponse : The missing vowels/216 de swan85, postée le 07-07-2017 à 21:36:26 (S | E)
    Hello Marit and everybody
    Thank you for this exercise.

    Have a nice week.

    1- A very poor person. Pauper (rpp)
    2- A person who makes and repairs watches, clocks etc. Watchmaker (thkwrcm) 3
    3- To move back or away. Recoil (clr) 3
    4- To provide food etc. Cater (tcr) 2
    5- To raise or collect (especially an army or a tax. Levy (vl) 2
    6- To wander; to roam. Rove (vr) 2
    7- A professional entertainer who can speak so that his or her voice seems to come from some other person or place, especially from a dummy which he or she controls. Ventriloquist (lqttvsnr) 5
    8- To urge or force (a person etc) to do something by annoying him etc. Goad (dg) 2
    9- A kind of knitting stitch. Purl (rpl)
    10- To push roughly. Jostle (tjls) 2

    Réponse : The missing vowels/216 de violet91, postée le 09-07-2017 à 17:30:43 (S | E)
    Hello very dear marittt

    Carry on resting and having a smooth recovery ! Thank you so much for keeping going here already !
    To dear flowermusic : you are the very best , aren't you ?

    1- A very poor person. pauper (pauperism)
    2- A person who makes and repairs watches, clocks etc. a watchmaker; just watch ' four o'clock on 'A.Hitchcock presents'
    3- To move back or away. to recoil
    4- To provide food etc. .to cater
    5- To raise or collect (especially an army or a tax. to levy
    6- To wander; to roam. to rove
    7- A professional entertainer who can speak so that his or her voice seems to come from some other person or place, especially from a dummy which he or she controls. a ventriloquist

    8- To urge or force (a person etc) to do something by annoying him etc. to goad
    9- A kind of knitting stitch. purl ( just helpless at that sort of thing ! Poor late Grandma of mine !)
    10- To push roughly. to jostle [sl]

    Many rare words in English English !!
    Enjoy your Sunday which is half way, dear friend and have a lovely following week ! Do take care of yourself and take your time doing nice things with nice people or reading a thrilling book . You can search for the short film I advised you to watch . Nobody should miss it , actually ! Incredibly excellent and thrilling to the bones ! See you.

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Thèmes généraux, jeux


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